Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Reform

Acts or Faith

When we talked about the legacy of Europe Empire in the last class, everyone said that was its type of economy or its language but we forgotten about the religion that Europe left. And that was one of the things that produce me more interest because the majority religion in Europe and in the world was Catholic and that reflects the huge influence of Europe in the other countries and this was also a fundamental part of the conquest by Europe. 
But the religion in Europe suffered a serious impact by The Reform and that change the entire history of Europe and obviously in the world.

The reform was a Christian religious movement started in Germany in the sixteenth century, which led to a schism in the Catholic Church to give rise to various churches and organizations grouped.
This occurred for various reasons like religious (corruption of clergy), social (excessive luxury) and political (strengthening national monarchies). 
There were two types of reform: one was the Protestant Reform and the second was a response of the above and it was the Catholic Counter-Reform.

The Protestant Reform proclaimed: the salvation by faith, free interpretation of the Bible, non-obedience to the pope, etc. Its most famous exponent was Luther.

And on the other hand there was the Catholic counter - reform who proclaimed: defend their beliefs, salvation by faith and good deeds, the main ceremonial Mass, obedience to Pope and all this by inquisition, etc.

This caused the separation of the European people and the separation of church and state, the abolition of special rights that had the clergy, allowed freedom of expression and freedom of worship.
The reform ended with the defeat of the Conservatives, who know the constitution of that time and the laws enacted by the Liberals.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The reform had also a great impact into the Catholic church. Not only because many of their followers left the church, but also because the Church was obligated by their own followers to change the way they acted. They published the Counter for one, they named bishop men with moral integrity and they stop the practice of giving money in exchange for forgivness.
