Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The unknow side of Congo.

As you may know Congo it´s a country located in central Africa, and in that continent there´s a lot of troubles with exploitation, mass-mutilations, state-sponsored slavery,murder and  genocide,

 because of that i´ll like to show you an incredible case of children´s mutilation that was uncovered, almost by accident, by Edward Dene Morel, a shipping clerk who noticed that outgoing cargoes to Congo were predominantly arms and ammunition. 
In that quest he was aided by a group of missioners who managed to photograph some atrocities, the most famous one was the picture that John Harris and his wife Alice took on their return from Congo in  August 1905.
(As you can see in the image there´s a lot of mutilated children that shows the violence in Africa and all the problems with it)

After that action lots of important people notice that all over the country millions and millions of people and children were dying for the action of the powerful countries and some of theme create campaigns to stop rapes and mutilations in the Congo, here´s a web-page where you can help with this petition: Petition
This action was one of the most important one for the history of the human rights and because of that we need to improve the photographers work and with that photos show all the horrible things that are happening in our world.

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