Sunday, August 11, 2013

May the rainbow always tocuh your shoulder.

On class we are learning about little cultures living on the big English speaking countries, one of those is the Cherokee culture, its amazing the traditions they have, and their conection with the Earth.
One of the things that capted my atention was this Blessing:

May the warm winds of Heaven blow softly on your home
And the Great Spirit bless all who enter there.
May your mocassins make happy tracks in many snows
And may the rainbow always tocuh your shoulder.

When i saw this i started to think about the kinds of blessings i know. I'm an catholic and until that moment i thought the kinds of blessing you must give was like: “God bless you” and “Bless your family”, and i felt really empty, maybe im just on a crisis with God right now but Cherokee culture has that special connection with everything that surround them , how can a culture that imrecently knowing can show so much than the tradition wich i grow up with.
And then i realise that we forgot so much, and we don´t know so much because we don´t give us the opportunity of knowing the minorities, even when we study a forgerin lenguage we will never know how much its behind that, how much history and how much hope other cultures can teach us.

And then i realise, how much culture im missing in my own country, and my own city, maybe my own street, because im living on the tradition wich i grow up with, i’m always doing something else, but from now on i wanna feel that conection with things, and learn more about everything and my advice on this is:  leave the technology behind sometimes and take life with your heart and feel how the rainbow touch your shoulder all the time.


  1. I agree with you, but it isn´t just the religious theme, we often open our minds only to what we know, with what we grew up, without appreciating an infinite variety of ways on our planet. It is lazy of us not to try to know more than what our parents or our school taught us. "What we know is a drop, what we ignore is the ocean."

  2. I´m completly agree with you, i think that sometimes we can´t see more than that we know or what our parents want to know, i´m not catholic or anything like that but i think that every human being should find their own faith no matter if it´s in the catholic church or in other kind of religion. Congratulations for your entry it make me think about my own faith. :)
