Saturday, August 10, 2013

Legal Segregation

In the USA during the first half of the decade of 1870 the southern politicians against Afro American people freedom and rights started to win the elections in their states, sometimes by sabotage or threats, and little by little they started to take an important part in the American parliament.

So, what happened when all of this politicians against Afro American people became majority in the Parliament?  Well they created new laws that separated white people from Afro American people.

The slogan “separated but equals” was used during the decades in which the segregation laws were “legal”.
The slogan of course it’s a cruel lie, because most of the laws that separated Afro American people from white people, were based on “medical issues” like that “Negros” could have some infections that white people didn’t have, and the things and places were Afro American people could go, were in bad conditions.
Most of the laws prohibited Afro American people to be in the same room eating with white people, use the same things as white people, take the same sites in the bus as white people, go to the same bathrooms, and so on.

After a lot of death, fights and a lot of years in the decade of 1960 in most of the USA states the segregation laws were abolished and proclaimed against the constitution.  I don´t think that it’s necessary to mention that Martin Luther King was a big character during the fight for the rights of Afro American people.
It’s been more than 50 years since the laws were abolished, but, don’t we have similar laws nowadays? Aren’t we discriminating our own kind?
We have a constant struggle with the mapuches; we are treating them as terrorists, not as a community a nation that has traditions, a lifestyle, that is part of us.
We tend to eliminate the things that cause us troubles, we don’t face the things, but that doesn’t mean that we have to get rid of a culture because they are different from us, because they believe in different things and have their own past.

I think segregation is a problem that remains till these days, and we are so focused in ourselves that we cannot see how much damage we are creating, how many wounds we have opened and how many laws we will be letting get approved just because we are not paying attention to the world, our world.


  1. The reality with the mapuches is that the chilean state has a integrationist policy, where the mapuche´s culture is absorbed by the chilean culture. For the chilean state all we are chileans but, in this multicultural country, it isn´t. More than a legal segregation, the mapuches are a example of negation and disdain of the diferent cultures.

  2. I'm agree with you because in a way we are living a similar and unfair reality in our country right now, and I only can thinking in this Afro american fight for their rights historical fact like a example for us, not only they could change their destiny, we can do this too and I'm refer not only in the mapuches I'm talking about the injustices of all of us in our country but like the Afro american fight is not going to be easy an if we want a change,we must be united in a same objective.

  3. This is what happens when politicians use their power not to achieve a common good but to benefit themselves. These unfairs laws just segregates and creates deeper problems, such as, as you mentioned, the problems with the Mapuche people here in chile, the aborigines in USA, and The Afro-American population. Good Post !! :)

  4. This is just another example of how far can intolerance for others can go. I mean, when I read the slogan "separated but equals" I was completely shocked! I hadn't heard of it, it's horrible! It's completely shameless, how could they say they were "equals"? Obviously they never believed that, it was just an excuse, as to imply that they actually thought afro americans were the same as them. But it's a pure lie! it's so indignant. And so again I see what this world is capable of.
    Anyways, I liked your post! :)
